October 22, 2024



The Concept of Indigenous Educational Approach

Every geographical location, be it a community, society or nation has its own unique demands, challenges, opportunities and responsibilities and therefore needs its own indigenous approach to a course in miracles bookstore as an indigenous solution in meeting her mental, physical, political, economic, social, moral and cultural needs of its people.

The concept of indigenous educational approach stems from the understanding that, “Every nation or society is unique and different from others and has peculiarities in its political, social, economic, and cultural demands.” Thus, the educational approach of every society or nation should be 80% indigenous as a means of empowering its people to rise up to the challenge of meeting their nation’s related politico-socio-economic and cultural needs, with 20% international standard education to facilitate cross-cultural interaction and global exchange.

No nation is supposed to depend completely on others for its educational approach. 20% inspiration is enough from outside, while each nation needs to develop 80% indigenous approach to education as a move towards achieving political, social and economic independence relative to its unique demands, challenges, opportunities and responsibilities.

Independence: There is great power in the independence of a people. Independence in this sense is the state by which a nation develops its uniqueness and individuality to the level of solving its own problems. An indigenous educational approach will definitely develop the individuality of a nation since it is tailored to correspond to the related politico-socio-economic and cultural demands of a nation. That is the level a nation can talk about independence.

Any independence out of being able to express the uniqueness and individuality of a society or nation is a mere slogan. There are many nations and societies, which have never experienced true independence because their politico-socio-economic systems are imported from other societies and nations contracted through their borrowed educational systems.

The educational approach of a nation shapes the civilization of that nation. A borrowed educational system will only prepare citizens to live in countries they borrowed their educational concept from rather than theirs since applying what they studied in their own environments may prove difficult. This is the plight of many developing societies as their citizens find it difficult to live in their countries because the mentality they got from school is opposite to what their nations demand.