March 7, 2025



How New Zealand Sheepskin Fottwear Made

Single-faced” sheepskin testosterone cypionate online lambskin is where the tannery produces a usable tanned product on the wool side only. The skin side may have an unusually high proportion of marks and the dye is uneven therefore this type of skin is only suitable as a “liner”. Sheepskin footwear manufacturers who use “single-faced” skins usually use them in conjunction with very cheap suede leather such as pigskin.

Pigskin is one of the least attractive leathers because it is marked with visible holes all over due to pigs having very thick bristles. “Single-faced” sheepskin combined with pigskin is a far cheaper material to use for the footwear upper and doesn’t have the same texture or quality that “double-faced” footwear have. Many such inferior products are being made in China using cheap labour and low-quality materials.

But look closely and you will notice signs of pig skin or ripples in the upper where the pig skin does not quite line up with the underlying single-faced sheepskin. All our sheepskin products that we promote and sell are all made from “double-faced”, top quality sheepskin. Some of the styles that have a grain leather outer are made from “single-faced”, quality sheepskin.

Soling materials and their benefits There are generally three types of soles used in sheepskin footwear: EVA soling – the most common. This is lightweight but very durable and is generally attached to the mid-sole through a heat activated gluing process.tears after some wear.

PVC soling – similar to EVA but heavier. This is the same sort of material used on Doc Martens ® and is generally even more durable and oil resistant. This type of soling is also attached to the mid-sole through a heat activated gluing process.Whilst a SideWall sole may look more attractive, it builds into sheepskin footwear a reduced life expectency.

SideWall soling usually a polyurethane or PVC/polyurethane blend. These types of soles are stitched to the upper using a SideWall sole stitching machine. SideWall soles are fine when the upper is made from a heavy leather or combination of heavy materials but are not suitable for use on sheepskin which is a soft leather. The side-stitching creates a “dotted line” effect on the uppers which effectively .

Alternatively, if the dotted line doesn’t tear first, the lip edge on the side of the sole eventually wears through the soft leather as the sole flexes from walking. Soling manufacturers insist SideWall soles only get used on re-inforced uppers. Most sheepskin footwear with SideWall soles deteriorate within 12 to 18 months of wear (sometimes less) as the soles cut through the upper.