March 9, 2025



Reasons Why Playing Online Games Is ALL Fun

How many hours do you spend playing enjoygamesonline over the internet? Do you stay up well after you should be asleep because you’ve found a great game you simply can not pull yourself away from? Well you are among millions of others who have found the same addiction and happily have become a part of the community known as “gamers”. We love to play those silly games! From the simple and free games such as “Aion: The Tower of Eternity” or “Dark Space” to the complex and more expensive choices like “Champions” or “Tabula Rasa” games are always fun, always competitive, and great way to pass time and challenge your friends to compete.

In this article, while we are discussing the pros of online gaming, we will also discuss the reasons why playing online games for free makes so much sense. We will also have a brief rundown of some of the most popular online games as well as information on where to find them, plus cost and how complex they can be for you here.

Free games do not necessarily mean cheap games

It all depends on whether you can live with commercials or want to play unencumbered minus the ads. Freebie games tend to have at least a few commercial ads poked in at various intervals and many feel it an intrusion of their time. Games such as Aion: The Tower of Eternity are meant to captivate players and at the same time promote a particular site or product. This is entirely legal and as a matter of fact who can blame them for promoting their products? Just as long as you can play the games without being interrupted every few minutes by some ad or promo I think most can put up with them because you just can’t beat the price! Use a good search engine such as Google or Bing to find all the gaming you can handle!

Anarchy online keeps gamers busy and… and for no cost too!

Games such as the Sci-Fi Anarchy are so addictive and fun you need to set up time limits or you may find yourself playing for days instead of mere hours! At any given time there may be as many as 12,000 player online and you can play against many of them by way of three powerful servers. You run a series of missions and keep going as long as you can manage until get killed of or get tired of the game. You will always have options of returning or starting over and the game is fully customizable. EverQuest is so popular it spawned a sequel titled EverQuest II. You basically play this fantasy game on any of over 25 servers and considering there are over 200,000 other addict playing it you can choose customize and play in 3D mode as long as you can. How much fun can you have for $20 or less? Tons!

Most games don’t take much computer power to play successfully

The majority of the online games will not take an especially powerful computer to play but it helps to have plenty of memory and a fairly recent CPU to gain the edge of your competition. Anywhere from 300 MHz to play RuneScape to 1 GHz or more for the latest and fastest games are all that’s necessary to compete successfully. A good video board is needed and you should have a fast internet connection if possible. All games may be played with less but the more “muscle” your computer has the better your gaming experience will be.