Cocaine is one of the oldest abused drugs around. In some societies, the leaf from the cocoa plant (from which powdered buy cocaine online is derived) is chewed or placed in a tea to give a small stimulant effect much like a caffeine jolt. Though the cocoa leaf is not technically cocaine, it is still illegal in many countries including the United States.
In an effort to extract the strong elements from the cocoa leaf, a scientist in the 1860’s put the leaf through many simple laboratory processes. A salt form was created: cocaine hydrochloride. It was a white, powdery substance that we know today to be powdered cocaine.
With a history of over 150 years, cocaine was at first thought to be a miracle drug endorsed by the acclaimed psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. It was administered for many ailments, one of them being depression. The medical community quickly found its chemical properties to be of some use. After application, the numbing effect would aid in pain and the vein-constricting properties helped to control bleeding. One of the worlds leading soft-drink companies, Coca-Cola, built their empire on the stimulant properties of cocaine. With small quantities of cocaine in the drink, the consumer would feel “pepped up” after a few drinks. It makes one wonder, with the addictive properties of cocaine as we know it today, how many of these early coca-cola drinkers were addicted to coke…literally.
It wouldn’t take long to see the overwhelming addictive properties of cocaine and in the early 1900’s, cocaine finally became illegal. Though as we all know, the drug’s popularity and addiction didn’t stop there.
Similar to drugs like Methamphetamine and Heroin, cocaine can be snorted, smoked, injected or ingested. The effects of cocaine give the user a sudden overwhelming sense of euphoria. The initial effect of the drug is immediate but doesn’t last long and must be used again to maintain the “high”.
Depending on how the drug is being administered into the body, the effects may still be felt up to two hours after the last dosage. But cocaine addicts don’t wait long to do another “line” or “rail”. Usually, it’s just a matter of minutes between each snort, or for the cocaine smoker less than a minute. Shortly afterwards, a severe craving for the drug hits the user like a brick wall and another dose is needed. This goes on until the user either runs out of the drug, runs out of money or has been on a long binge and just can’t physically continue any longer.
Following a cocaine binge, a “crash” occurs. As the drug wears off, feelings of hopelessness and severe depression may suddenly set in. Vital chemicals in the brain that maintain mood and feelings of well-being have been depleted. The aftereffects of a cocaine binge can be felt up to a week after last use. For an addict to feel “good” again they must use the drug that put them there in the first place.
Cocaine addiction can be deadly even for a first time user. In the first hour following last use, the addict risks a 40% greater chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Chronic use can cause irreparable damage to the brain, heart, liver, lungs, nose and throat and other vital organs. The stimulant effect of cocaine causes the body’s temperature to rise dramatically which, over time, could cause renal damage and possibly failure. There are a long list of health risks associated with cocaine addiction and abuse.
If you suspect someone you know is using cocaine and has become addicted, there are a few tell-tale signs to look for: sudden weight loss or decrease in appetite, clogged sinus’ or sinus problems, red nose and nostrils, jittery disposition, restlessness, manic behavior and possibly paranoia, aural and/ or visual hallucinations.
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