November 22, 2024



The (Un)Impressive Life of Fake Instagram Influencers

Are you like me and can be comprar seguidores reais teste grátis quite easily? Or does Shania Twain’s song, “That Don’t Impress Me Much” play as your typical anthem?

Maybe it was the way I was raised that has me appreciate certain achievements. We didn’t have a lot growing up so the seemingly “rich” neighbourhood kids were always impressing me with their Etch-a-Sketches and Lite-Brites my brother and I could only dream of having!

Even now, I’m impressed when I see the new neighbours move in with a Tesla and go on cruise ship holidays a couple of times a year (well before Covid anyway).

I’m impressed when I go to the gym and witness incredible resolve from people building their strength and endurance.

I used to be impressed when I saw someone with thousands of followers. I would think, Wow, that person must really know their stuff! Look at how many people want to learn or be entertained or inspired by them!

It all came down to building a fake facade of illusions to give their account the impression of being successful. Right down to renting a luxury jet at a studio lot somewhere and taking photos pretending they were off to some exotic location.