October 18, 2024



Growing Up Introverted

We recently asked some introverts about their childhood,Growing Up Introverted Articles elementary and high school experiences so we could give you a good idea of the dynamics of introversion from real people rather than the opinion of experts. Their answers may 海外充值 you.

If you’re raising an introverted child, you may learn from the real lives of introverts what it is they liked and didn’t like about “growing up”.

Introverts make up about 25% of the population. If parents don’t understand and advocate for their introverted children, they can get lost in a world designed by and for others. For example, introverts shy away from noise, crowds and bright lights. As you will see from our conversations with them, they often prefer quieter and more highly personalized pursuits. High school, especially, can be a negative experience because it is … noisy, crowded and over stimulating

Introverts are also very territorial. To touch their things, pat their shoulder, ruffle their hair and ask them to share a room with a sibling can be very stressful. Ideally, every introvert would have a room of their own with a door that closes. Please don’t consider this anti-social behavior. This is how introverts recharge their batteries.

In our online survey, we asked the introverts what they remembered as their most pleasant pastimes and activities as children. We also asked them about their first day in school. We wanted to know how they liked elementary school and what activities they engaged in after school.

Sara-Ann said, “I liked to run around outside when there were too many people in the house … like the T.V. was on and someone was cooking in the kitchen and there was lots of noise.”

Mark said, “I played a lot alone, read a lot and enjoyed sports…alone. I remember day dreaming A LOT.”

Ann explained, “I liked elementary school as long as I could be allowed to play alone. Whenever I was forced to play with others, I tended to become the leader, ironically. My theory is that I spent so much time alone that I was able to develop play plans complete with instructions and I noticed that sociable kids had a sort of freeform way of playing which they seemed to enjoy but which would, because of the lack of outlines, devolve into confrontations between them. So when I was forced to interact with them, I came with fun ideas of things to do but they were organized and the other kids gravitated towards organized play. Weird, huh?”

Ann sounds like an INTJ type of introvert. Did you know there are eight different types? INTJ introverts are called “the Mastermind”. They like to move people around like chess pieces and Ann is just doing what comes naturally. Please learn more about your child’s introversion. There is much to learn.

In further reflecting on this childhood experience, Ann added, “I have a feeling that loners often appear to others as self-contained and perhaps organized because we usually have time to think things through until we come up with complete plans. People, I’ve noticed, like to follow those they perceive as knowing what they’re doing.”

We asked the introverts if their parents tried to force them to socialize. One woman, who preferred to remain anonymous replied, “My parents did pressure me to have friends. They did not understand the difficulty that I had navigating through cliques and they were not sympathetic to my feelings about forced association. At a grown-up party, for example, [they’d say] “There’s a girl from your class … go and play with her.” [This] only made me want to reply, “Yes, I recognized her thank you. I see her every day and I’d rather go sit in the car and read … because if I was social, if I wanted to socialize, I would have run up to the other child and said ‘let’s play’! Duh.”